Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
20% OFF Select Yarns!
Sueno DK, Worsted, Tweed
Simpliworsted, Simplicity
Sueno DK, Worsted, Tweed and Spray
20% Off
20% Off
Building Blocks
Great with Sueno W or Simpliworsted
20% OFF
Simpliworsted Spray
20% Off
Dk Weight
Ribbed Cardigan
Shown in DK Add a Mohair for a soft feel
Anna's Summer Cardigan
Perfect in SuenoTweed
Utopia Blanket
Shown in worsted
All in Stock Needlepoint Canvases and Kits
20 % Off
Heirloom Tea Towel
New from Little Stitchers Needlepoint 10x8
Red Turbin
Overlapping Circles
Cherry Blossom Tri-Fold Clutch
Orange Geometric Link
Stitch & Zips
Take a Look at all the Needlepoint HERE
Lykke Needle Sets
20% OFF
Take a Look at all the Lykke Sets HERE
Friday Evening Zoom
Zoom Details